Guru Terbaik
Out of the welter of life, a few people are selected for us by the accident of temporary confinement in the same circle. We never would have chosen these neighbors; life chose them for us.
If we select-and we must in order to live and breathe and work in such crowded conditions-we tend to select people like ourselves. We usually select the known, seldom the strange. We tend not to choose the unknown which might be a shock or a disappointment or simply a little difficult to cope with.
And yet it is the unknown with all its disappointments and surprises that is the most enriching.
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh, "Gift from the Sea"
Sependapat sih. Kita memilih seseorang sebagai teman atau pasangan karena nyaman, bukan karena mereka terlihat unik. Perbedaan memang menarik, tapi yang menyatukan akhirnya adalah persamaan. Bukan persamaan fisik, tentunya, tetapi persamaan cara memandang hidup. Namun, ternyata guru terbaik kita itu bukan mereka yang memberi rasa nyaman, tapi justru mereka yang pernah sangat mengecewakan. :)
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